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1.27.28 - Tasks & Workflow v3

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin


This release contains a one-two punch of the brand new Tasks experience as well as the shiny new Workflow v3 engine.


Tasks Experience

Leveraging the Adaptive Documents design, the new Tasks experience brings the associated document front and centre.

This also comes with a new connection type to configure your Adaptive Documents, the 'Expected Context' connection. Expected Contexts allow you to define which item type (or sub-type) you are expecting to be present when opening the task. With this you can define how items that are created and updated via an Adaptive document relate to the task, if at all!

Workflow v3

Workflows' engine has been replaced with a brand new version built from scratch. Faster, more powerful and much more extensible; Workflow 3 unlocks finally implementing more of the BPMN 2.0 specification. One of the most drastic changes comes in the form of Call Activities and their child process runs. To be more in accordance with the BPMN 2.0 specification, and to support future Data Cans and Documents, sub-processes are now incorporated in their parent ledger.

While this engine upgrade is mostly future facing, it does come with some spicy new improvements right now

Custom Post Bodies

You can now configure custom post bodies in Webhook service tasks. Now you can simplify getting the data you want out of your process by using powerful Lodash expressions. Blank configurations will continue to post the entire ledger, so existing diagrams will not be affected.

Custom post body configuration

Non-Interrupting Timers

Configuring a Timer to be non-interrupting allows the creation of follow-up and checking branches in your process, without disrupting mission critical tasks.

Non Interrupting Timer example

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Context Missing error when trying to create columns called 'Title' on new tables
  • Fixed missing clear value buttons on User and Date fields in Adaptive Documents
  • Prevented root level crash when adding Time Picker component to a page
  • Fixed custom create pages in Adaptive Documents with lookups rendering behind the creation modal
  • Fixed configuration components failing to render on the File component


  • Added spinner to RP Forms when loading the framework
  • Added multi-lookup field support to Adaptive Documents
  • Removed erroneous .toString when processing id values via the SDK
  • Implemented sub-process navigation to Explorer and Workflow UI